Diabetic Foot Care & Wound Care
Diabetes can affect the feet by leading to circulation problems causing a decrease in blood flow to the feet and also by causing nerve damage, leading to a decrease in feeling in the feet.
Patients with diabetes may develop an injury to the foot, by stepping on a object such as a pin or a tack and not feeling it, or even something as simple as a blister from their shoe not fitting properly. These injuries can lead to a wound and due to the decrease in circulation, the wounds are slow to heal. Also, diabetics often have decreased ability to fight infections. Having an open wound, increases the chances of infection.
If you have a non healing wound on your lower extremity, it is essential that you act to get it healed as quickly as possible to prevent infection and further complications.
If you have diabetes, you are especially at risk for complications. The sooner a wound is treated the greater the patient's chances are of healing. When you first come to our office, we will use the latest technology to perform a comprehensive neurologic, vascular and orthopedic exam. Once the wounds are healed, patients are regularly followed up to help avoid future problems.
So, if you have a non-healing wound on your foot, ankle or leg especially if you're diabetic, we strongly recommend that you schedule an appointment to see us as soon as possible.